Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pic update.

Here is ME in all my braces glory. SOOOOO excited that at SOME POINT during this year I get to get them off. :)

Here are my lowers. note the UGLY metal brackets. but also note how much prettier my arch is!!!

And here are my uppers. SO much straighter!

And here they all are from the front. notice how on the right side of my mouth the teeth are overlapping more than on the left....well i THINK that what the rubber bands that I am supposed to be wearing are supposed to fix.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

oooo it's been a while.

WOW I have slacked off on updating this. Let's see the last time I updated was in October 2010... and it's now January 2011. So since then...
*Got bottom braces in november. apparently there was not enough room on my bottom teeth to have clear braces put i got stuck with the ugly metal ones. bleh.

*In December - my bottom teeth looked significantly straighter! So anywho....went to my appointment and I got my teeth contoured...basically what it was was since my teeth were running together and really had no space to straighten anymore....they drill holes that basically create spaces between the teeth allowing more room for them to completely straighten out. It didn't hurt or anything....but that drilling noise is obnoxious. So anywho got that done. Still have an 18 wire on the top and I think a 14 or 16 on the bottom. Got some rubber bands too! Yay. ugh. the purpose of the rubber bands right now is to correct my crossbite. so I have to pretty much wear them 24/7....I really do try and be good about doing that b/c i want them to say that my teeth have made some progress....but we shall see. I have my next appointment on the 17th of this month i believe.

Eating really hasn't been much of a problem....I can eat pretty much anything.....its just anytime i eat like salad there is bound to be a piece of lettuce stuck somewhere in my braces. also hard foods tend to get caught between the two brackets on my bottom middle teeth. SO ANNOYING. the soreness really wasn't a problem except for maybe the first couple days after my appointment. I guess my mouth is just getting used to the monthly torture....i mean tightening. :)

Well that's all I got for now. Will update again after my appoinment this month.....or earlier if anything interesting happens w/ the braces.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

it's been awhile....'s been since august since I posted anything on here. Well my upper arch looks pretty straight right now!! I'm in a 18 wire and outside of the inital day I got it put on I have had hardly any need to take ibuprofen! The only BIG thing that has changed is now my jaw has started popping on the right side. From talking to other people who have had them...apparently this is a normal thing and it eventually goes away....well I wish it would go away now. It's not that it hurts....its just annoying. Like for a few days....everytime I woke up in the morning its like I could feel like my jaw was locked and that I couldn't fully open my mouth....weird....and then I would lay there and work myself up to just opening my jaw wide enough so it would pop back into place and then its like...just when you think you fixed does it AGAIN. Eating is just horrible when my jaw is being like that b/c everything you chew makes your jaw pop. On days when its being really annoying i have noticed that I start to get a minor headache. bleh. But the past couple days haven't been too bad.

I'm getting my lower braces placed on November 4 - then I will have both upper and lowers! Excited....b/c that means i'm one step closer to having straight teeth.....but nervous/not excited about how I will look. Hoping that there is enough room on my teeth for me to get clears on the bottom as well b/c I REALLY dont want any metal. But we will see.....I will update again (with pictures) when i get my lowers done.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Smooth sailing.

Not too much has changed since I last posted.....I DID notice that my 2 front teeth are actually in a straight line now!!!! YAY! Now if they just turn out a little more then my top arch would be PERFECT - at least from my persepective. I will post pics when I am on here next. I haven't really been as sore this go around as I thought I would be. Just a couple mornings here and there where I wake up and i'm just sore all around.....hardly had to take any ibuprofen. Next appointment isn't till the 27th...hoping my teeth will move more before then. We shall see.

Monday, July 19, 2010

ONE Month!!

So, on month ago today I got my top braces put on! Yay! 17ish or less more to go. Boo. The first month wasnt horribly bad - the farther I got away from when they were intially put on - the better my mouth felt and the more foods I have been able to eat.

And then today, just when all seemed well, I went to the ortho and got my braces tightened. Oh, and I got a larger arch wire.

My first arch wire was a 14 (what exactly that is measuring, im not sure) What I do know is that the larger the numbers get....the bigger and stiffer the wire gets which means more pressure/pain. :( From the time the wire got put on and it was getting tightened into place i was SOOOO sore already! Last time it took a few hours before I noticed anything....this time...I hadn't even left the office and I was already feeling it. Hence the reason I went straight to Target and got a bottle of ibuprofen. :)

It's been about 10 hours since I was at the ortho....and the pressure isn't too bad. Im SURE i will really feel it when I wake up in the morning :( we go again.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

one of many lessons.

Kissing with braces (for the first time, and probably many times after this) = VERY awkward.

Monday, July 5, 2010

2 weeks.

So, today is 2 weeks since I got my uppers put on. Pain really hasn't been all that bad at all. I have had to be significantly more selective about what I eat- making sure that it't not too hard to bite down into. A favorite snack/food desert that I have become a huge fan of is
Yoplait Whips - preferably in Strawberry :)

It's yogurt....but it has a different kind of whipped (hence the name) texture that just makes it SOOO much more appealing that your standard yogurt....and at 50 cents each.....I definitely stock up on these!!

Yesterday I was sitting on the couch....and started messing with my teeth and realized that they are able to rock back and forth a lil bit now - YAY they are moving! I can't wait for my next appointment *July 20* to see if and how much progress I have made....I know its only going to be my first appointment since getting them placed....but I am just interested to know.

So all in all not doing too bad. Still learning to get used to smiling more with them on - it's just a work in progress!