Monday, July 19, 2010

ONE Month!!

So, on month ago today I got my top braces put on! Yay! 17ish or less more to go. Boo. The first month wasnt horribly bad - the farther I got away from when they were intially put on - the better my mouth felt and the more foods I have been able to eat.

And then today, just when all seemed well, I went to the ortho and got my braces tightened. Oh, and I got a larger arch wire.

My first arch wire was a 14 (what exactly that is measuring, im not sure) What I do know is that the larger the numbers get....the bigger and stiffer the wire gets which means more pressure/pain. :( From the time the wire got put on and it was getting tightened into place i was SOOOO sore already! Last time it took a few hours before I noticed anything....this time...I hadn't even left the office and I was already feeling it. Hence the reason I went straight to Target and got a bottle of ibuprofen. :)

It's been about 10 hours since I was at the ortho....and the pressure isn't too bad. Im SURE i will really feel it when I wake up in the morning :( we go again.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

one of many lessons.

Kissing with braces (for the first time, and probably many times after this) = VERY awkward.

Monday, July 5, 2010

2 weeks.

So, today is 2 weeks since I got my uppers put on. Pain really hasn't been all that bad at all. I have had to be significantly more selective about what I eat- making sure that it't not too hard to bite down into. A favorite snack/food desert that I have become a huge fan of is
Yoplait Whips - preferably in Strawberry :)

It's yogurt....but it has a different kind of whipped (hence the name) texture that just makes it SOOO much more appealing that your standard yogurt....and at 50 cents each.....I definitely stock up on these!!

Yesterday I was sitting on the couch....and started messing with my teeth and realized that they are able to rock back and forth a lil bit now - YAY they are moving! I can't wait for my next appointment *July 20* to see if and how much progress I have made....I know its only going to be my first appointment since getting them placed....but I am just interested to know.

So all in all not doing too bad. Still learning to get used to smiling more with them on - it's just a work in progress!