Thursday, June 24, 2010

If I could...I so would...

...take some pliers and pull these things off my teeth.

It't not b/c they hurt or anything, I am used to the pressure now...but sometimes I just forget that I have these things on my teeth and I want to try and get whatever is in my mouth out....and then I remember....'oh yeah, i signed on for this.' I feel like I can't quite talk right b/c I can't get my upper lip all the way over my top teeth. Sometimes, I have noticed I make a whistling noise when I talk. And I totally feel like a 14 year old....rockin the braces....I should have gone all out and gotten metal with colored rubber bands!

yeah. right.

Eating has still been a task....just having to select foods which I don't really have to chew into right now is kind of annoying....hopefully my back teeth will start to get a little less sensitive...even though I kind of doubt they will :( I feel SO negative right now. Back to my dinner of mashed potatoes. :)

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